Lies, Lies, And Nothing But Lies

Today is the 11th day since the Beijing Biden administration cleared out of Afghanistan with their tails between their legs, leaving 1,000’s of Americans and allies stranded, not just a couple of hundred, but 1,000’s. One of many lies continuing to flow from the White House and the State Department! Even the DOD didn’t agree with the White House and State Department claims of only a couple of hundred with the narrative they set up in August saying they were getting everyone out who “wanted” to leave. LIE – what Americans or even allies for that matter would “want” to stay behind?! None!

Since the day this dementia ridden fool put his hand on the holy Bible there has been nothing but lies, double talk, “word salad”, and idiotic nonsense coming out of EVERY single mouth in the White House and the State Department! Lies, lies, and nothing but lies!

This treasonous and evil group of people in this government rescued over 100,000 Afghan nationals, none of whom held special visa’s, worked with the Americans, or held “green cards” and were NOT vetted in any fashion, and none of them are Christians, instead are all strict followers of Sharia Law! Yet they claim they were allies and even Americans were in that 100,000. Lies again. If they’ve brought home 1,000’s of Americans, where are they? Why hasn’t a single one of them, just one, been interviewed by any member of the media? Just one, that’s all we’re asking for, just one American come forward and say they were rescued by the government! Nope, not one! Yet another lie!

The State Department and the White House both claim that they’ve been in contact with the Americans still there, they talked to them on the phone or sent emails and they are doing everything they can to make sure they get out safely. Lie! According to NGOs like “No One Left Behind”, “Shadow Warriors”, “Nazarene Fund”, “Mercury One”, etc. still on the ground, that’s yet another flat out lie!

This government is doing all that it can to try and keep the Afghanistan disaster out of the news now with their ramped up BS on COVID and trying to implement unconstitutional mandates regarding the vaccines, they basically shut all questions down anyone who even dares to bring up this disaster. If they’re not trying to sweep it under the rug, it’s constant lies.

Let’s take a look at the planes that are still grounded. These planes, through the goodness of American hearts, were paid for at $750,000 per plane to help evacuate Americans, Christians, and allies. According to both the White House and the State Department it’s the Taliban that has forbidden them to depart for over a week now. Lie, lie, lie. Those NGO’s still on the ground ALL say LIE! The four KAM Air planes all paid for were literally stopped by our State Department. Glenn Beck and the NGO boots on the ground all followed the rules required:

  1. Each plane had passenger manifests. (Our government claims they didn’t)
  2. Every person was completely vetted. (Our government claims they weren’t. Isn’t that rich coming from the same government who didn’t vet one single person from that 100,000 they brought over.)
  3. Each person either had special visa’s, green cards, or blue passports (which is Americans). (Government claims they didn’t)
  4. These four planes had already cleared destination countries to bring these people to safety. (The government claims they didn’t)

The day these planes were set to take off, loaded with passengers, the State Department, NOT the Taliban, ordered EVERYONE off the planes. At this time, the Taliban just thought these planes were simply commercial flights and didn’t realize they were people trying to escape, until the State Department stepped in. The State Department, ordered them off the planes and told them they had to hand over all their paperwork and passports to the Taliban. This comes directly from NGO’s there watching it ALL unfold in front of their eyes! Remember when it was mentioned that the government said there were no manifests handed in? Well, they handed over all four passenger manifests to the Taliban. So, now most of these people have had to find safe houses and hide and now they really don’t have any proper paperwork or passports because the State Department ordered them to give them up to the Taliban!

As if this wasn’t bad enough, the State Department called the different countries these planes were headed and told them they couldn’t let these planes land. But it gets even better. When one of the leaders of the Shadow Warriors (whom by the way was one of the soldiers abandoned in Benghazi) called the State Department to find out what the heck was going on. The State Department told him that they were not going to allow them to land at any DOD airbase around the world nor land in the United States because they didn’t have the right paperwork required. Yet they did according to Federal law. The State Department said there was a new set of papers one had to fill out beginning the last week of August. When they were asked where they could go to get these papers the reply was “The embassy.” The embassy? You are kidding right? There is no more embassy in Kabul now, it was taken over by the Taliban! When the person from Shadow Warriors said that the guy from the State Department laughed, yes, literally laughed saying “Well, I guess you’ll have to figure that one out for yourself!” After that, when asked who had given this new order, they replied “The order comes directly from the White House.” Then he pleaded with the State Department to at lease allow the nearly 200 Americans they had rescued to leave Afghanistan and return. The answer was “No.” Remember they claimed they were doing all they could to bring ALL Americans home that wanted to come. Well, these Americans wanted to come home and were denied! Stop listening to these people, every single thing they say is a LIE!

On top of the State Department stopping the flights, handing over passenger manifests, refusing to at least let Americans come home, these scum of the earth have even come out and tried to take the credit for the 1,000’s of people that ALL these civilian heroes have rescued! Does it get any lower than that?

Even people like Ted Cruz, Marsha Blackburn and others including the far left liberal Democrat Blumenthal has tried to stop the State Department from blocking these rescues! Even a Congressman named Mullen who went to Afghanistan himself to try and rescue people was stopped by the White House and the State Department from trying to rescue Americans!

To this government lying and protecting their political agendas are far more important than human lives. It’s ALL politics and they don’t give a damn about the Americans and allies, they are just pawns. They are also stopping the NGOs efforts because they know these civilians have done a far better job at rescues than they have and they can’t have any of that. That’s why they’re now trying to take false credit for all the work these heroes have already done!

You can call these people incompetent all you want, but in reality, they are just simply evil. Calling them incompetent is just making excuses for these people. Call it what it is, EVIL!

As for all those people who were on those planes ready to fly to freedom, no one knows if they’ll all be found again when and if those planes get off the ground! Like the 13 soldiers and over 200 civilians who were senselessly and avoidably killed, these people’s blood will also be on the hands of the White House, State Department, and anyone who voted for this government!

People, understand this, if you understand nothing else, this government DOES NOT care about human lives, yours, mine, allies, you name it, if those human lives get in the way of their agenda to totally destroy this country, they are expendable. You are expendable. You mean nothing to them and you never will. Nothing they have said or done has been in the interest of or concern for the American people! NOTHING!

On the eve of 9/11 let us not forget what has happened here, don’t let them put Afghanistan on the back burner or bury it completely! They cannot be allowed to get away with this!

Let us NEVER forget 9/11 nor the day before, 9/10,  when our nation was still truly free, nor the day after, 9/12, when we still knew what it was to be true Americans and how we were once so united and came together despite of all our differences. Let us teach our children about those three days, in order to give them hope that there still could be a bright future for them, if we refuse to forget those three days, and NEVER allow this government to bury what they’ve done recently and what they continue to do to this nation and her people. We cannot allow for all those lives lost on 9/11 and over the past 20 years to have died in vain! May God give us the strength to stand strong in our faith and our defense of our freedoms and the love that we have for a not so perfect nation, but a nation that has always strived to be a more perfect one. And may God bless and protect all those who have chosen freedom over slavery to the world.


For all of us who still love this country, we should make this song our personal anthem! I know it’s become mine!


“Silence in the face of evil IS evil. Not to speak IS to speak, and not standing IS standing, and God will NOT hold us blameless!”


One thought on “Lies, Lies, And Nothing But Lies

  1. This is my first Introduction to this topic properly and I admit to being more than a lite confused, how many of who are trapped in Afganistan? Ameiricans and their afgani allies except some of them are not allies?
    Why does the lives of those saved matter in terms of some of them not being Christians?
    Who in the state department has been ordering planes to be handed over to the Taliban?
    Who are the Shadow Warriors?

    Where should I actually be starting in trying to understand this fiasco in Afghanistan?


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