The Demise of the United States of America

What we are witnessing today in this country is the managed demise of the US of A. This is not an accident what we are seeing, this has been in the works for years, they just didn’t have the total power they needed until now.

First came the power grab known as the 2020 election. They took advantage of the fearmongering that they instigated through COVID and refused to let this “crisis” go to waste and took control over state elections by making them federally controlled via mail-in ballots in all states using the excuse of the pandemic. This created a huge vacuum for weakened voter integrity and yes, even more fraud than what was already going on over the years. The result was control of the House, Senate, and the White House.

Second came a tyrannical government within the White House. That was seen within minutes after Beijing Biden put his hand on the Bible, sadly, and was sworn in. What many didn’t realize that he wasn’t swearing to do his duty to the best of his ability but was swearing in the demise of the United States of America.

Well, instead of doing his duty, he’s done nothing but impose tyranny on all of us. Let’s take a look at just how the riot of Jan. 6th has been handled from day one. The left acted as if a hoard of crazed militia stormed the Capitol building, all armed to the teeth. However, the truth is, no one person had a weapon nor was it a hoard of people. The ones that did damage was a small group of unruly people, whereas, what video that has been released showed that most of the people were actually very peaceful and even followed the rules inside, like staying within the red velvet ropes that are intended for people to stay behind on tours. Yet, they scream insurrection over and over again without shame, they willingly lie about something to turn it into a crisis to give reason for any future actions taken against conservatives or anyone who might not agree with their agenda.

They have even had the audacity to bill Jan. 6th as something that was even worse than 9/11! Please tell me how one person (Ashli Babbit, a Trump supporter) being killed even comes close to being worse than over 3,000 people dying on 9/11 at the hand of real terrorists?! They can do this because they have become absolute pros at turning something small into something they consider a reason to labeling ordinary citizens as the worst terrorist threat that our country faces, while they let Afghanistan fall into the hands of true terrorists!

They want you to believe that your next door neighbor is the biggest terrorist since Bin Laden and that the over 400 people they’ve arrested and held without bail or any charges are the most dangerous people in the world and all because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Here’s what the left has said to those defendants of Jan. 6th and I quote “Further, we are not in a position to turn over the universe of information we possess for the Defendant to review. Although we are aware that we possess some information that the defense may view as supportive of arguments that the law enforcement authorized defendants to enter the restricted grounds, e.g., images of officers hugging or fist-bumping rioters, posing for photos with rioters, and moving bike racks, we are not in a position to state whether we have identified all such information. Pursuant to Brady and its progeny, we are required to make available the voluminous data that may contain any similar information for the defendants review.” In other words, there is evidence and lots of it that just doesn’t fit their narrative of what really happened on Jan. 6th!

Tyranny in the White House

While all of this is going on the tyranny from the White House has been absolutely non-stop and most of it has been un-Constitutional:

  • Refusing to follow the “Remain in Mexico” law.
  • Continual mask mandates.
  • Allowing the CDC to make laws such as not allowing landlords to evict people after the eviction moratorium deadline had passed.
  • Allowing for any state or city to require vaccine passports to get into live events or public places.
  • Bribing and threatening people to get vaccinated.
  • Shaming people and blaming the unvaccinated for the rise in the Delta variant cases, when they knew full well that it was mainly because they were allowing illegals that were COVID positive into the country and letting them go wherever they wanted while infected and not requiring them to be vaccinated.
  • Forcing vaccine mandates on Americans with the threat of losing their jobs if they don’t comply. While at the same time they admit that illegals (migrants they like to call them) including the 100,000 plus Afghan nationals they’ve recently let into the country, are not being required to get vaccinated! Others that seem to be exempt from this same mandate are anyone who works in  the White House, the Postal Service, Congress and those who work for them, and the NBA of all things. Yet, anyone else who refuses to be vaccinated are at risk of losing their jobs.
  • Wants to work with banks to keep tabs on anyone who has $600 or more in their bank  accounts.
  • Sending unvetted, unvaccinated, even infected illegals all over the country especially to “swing or purple states” without any notice or even getting their permission to do so. Current example are the 10,000 Haitians on the Texas border in El Rio.
  • Forbidding cameras from media outlets such as FOX from recording what’s really happening on the ground on the border of Texas. (Remember the 1st Amendment? Seems Biden doesn’t.)
  • Despite the evidence that General Milly literally under-mined a sitting president and worked hand in hand secretly with his Chinese counterpart, Biden supports the man and literally treats him as if he deserves a medal instead of what he really deserves — resignation and a court marshal!
  • Telling drug suppliers of drugs used for COVID treatments, that  they must now limit the distribution of these drugs to “red states” like Texas, Florida, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama. Georgia, etc. who are refusing to follow vaccine mandates, now they won’t have the medicines they need to save lives of people suffering from COVID!

What’s next? Re-education camps? Interment camps? Death camps? Just a step or two away, not a conspiracy, just history trying to repeat itself!

Since they don’t want you to look at the border, nor look at what they’ve done in Afghanistan, the only things they have the MSM focusing in on is Jan. 6h, or the fraction of the American people who still have not been vaccinated, along with climate change and of course COVID and nothing but COVID, unless of course if it’s the true science, then they want you to stop looking and just shut up and follow “their science”, which when you look at it closely, isn’t science at all, real science and real data are banned from being posted and shared, even by the real scientists themselves, who are also being silenced. They don’t follow science, they follow ideology because ideology has now become “the science”.

While all of this is going on, all of which they claim is for our own good, something dark and sinister is happening behind those walls at the White House. So, what is really happening behind the closed doors in D.C.? Well, quite frankly, there is far too much evidence out there, if you are willing to see it, that proves that they are building an intelligence/police state that will soon be controlling every aspect of your lives! They seem to be building a system from which we as Americans may never be able to escape if we continue to allow them to dismantle and deliberately manage the demise of our nation.

Under the Guise of Protecting You – They are Exploiting January 6th!

While they do their best to keep us distracted from what’s really going on behind those walls, they maintain that all that they do is for “the greater good”, “it’s for our protection”, or “we know what’s best for you”, all the while it has nothing to do with our protection or for our good, instead in the murky shadows of D.C., they are building something monstrous, a monolith of epic proportions and all under the guise of protecting you. I don’t know about you, but, I don’t buy any of it, and none of you should either!

First off, don’t think that Afghanistan was some huge blunder and was because of nothing but incompetence. If you believe that, you haven’t been paying attention. It has had nothing to do with incompetence, that’s not to say Biden isn’t incompetent, because he is, but, this was planned, this is what they wanted to see happen there. This administration never had any intentions of honoring their promises to our allies, nor did they ever plan on removing Americans from the country, this is why early on they set the narrative of “those who WANT to come home will not be left behind.” They want America to look bad on the world stage and what better way to do it than by what they’ve done in Afghanistan?! Two thirds of the people on Biden’s staff were ALL on Obama’s staff. They all are serving in different positions, but pretty much the same old gang is back together, you know, the ATG ( “the apology tour group”?) and they are continuing the “fundamental change of America” as Obama put it more than once. That alone should tell you who is NOT running the country, and that’s Beijing Biden. He’s just up there bobbing his head up and down to whatever they tell him. And if you think their slight of hand of being concerned about what happened on Jan. 6th is concern you’d be wrong. They don’t care about what happened, in fact it’s what they really wanted to happen in the first place because they wanted another weapon to use against conservatives. If they were truly concerned they would release all the evidence including hours and hours of videos that show the truth. Problem is, the truth doesn’t fit their narrative. As long as the left is in total power, we may never know the real truth and nothing but the truth when it comes to what happened and what didn’t happen on Jan. 6th. Just know this, it was NOT an insurrection, what happened all over the country during the summer of 2020 however, was. Tearing down federal monuments, trying to burn down federal buildings, taking over police stations, ALL were acts of insurrection. Jan. 6th was a riot, yes, insurrection, not even close.

They Are Using “Slight of Hand”/Misdirection

What this administration is doing is much like slight of hand when someone does a coin disappearing trick when they have you look at the hand that doesn’t really have the coin but they use the hand that really does have it to point at the hand that you think still has the coin. This is what this administration is doing every single day when it comes to the information that they are wanting you to see and hear. And the media is no different than the cheesy nightclub magician’s assistant! Where the “trick” is actually happening is what they don’t want you to look at, so the magician or the assistant will distract the audience with misdirection. The left, have become the masters of this type of performance because they’ve been able to trick nearly half the country into believing the illusion of truth, and not looking at where the “trick” is really happening. The left including this administration are overly busy hiding their “other hand” by distracting their audience with other “shiny objects” such as Jan. 6th, COVID, and “climate change”. Here’s a direct quote from Pelosi after she admitted that China and the Taliban both are guilty of genocide, but claims we have bigger issues, “Climate change is the ultimate global problem that we need to focus on.” So climate change is far more dangerous than those who literally commit genocide on a daily basis! This is what they want you to believe. Here’s a recent poll you should find quite alarming:

Biggest Threats to America:

Conservatives & Independents believe these 3 are the biggest threats:

  1. The Taliban
  2. Defund the police activists
  3. China

Democrats & the Left believe these 3 are the biggest threats:

  1. Donald Trump supporters (60% of Dems and lefties believe this!)
  2. Unvaccinated Americans
  3. Taliban & China

This should terrify you! 60% truly believe that anyone who ever supported Trump and/or still does are the biggest threat to this country. Do you realize how this slight of hand trick is opening the door to something as catastrophic as what Hitler did to Jews and those who supported Jews?!  And why is this? Because these cheesy nightclub magicians have most of the media serving them as their cheesy nightclub assistants in misdirection via misinformation or just outright lies packaged in pretty little glittery packages that take our eyes off of what’s really happening!

Another great example of their misdirection would be taking our minds off of the monstrous, colossal, and historical failure in Afghanistan, the media was directed to focus in on how bad Texas was with their “Heartbeat law”, which they untruthfully billed as a bill that would outlaw abortion in Texas completely. When in fact it limits it, not bans it. Now, in Texas, once a heartbeat is detected, at about 6 weeks, an abortion is considered unlawful. But they would have you believe that this was going to lead to back alley abortions. All of this fuss was to take our eyes off of the disaster of Afghanistan and basically the “crimes” this administration was committing there like leaving $85 billion worth of military equipment, weapons, ammunition, and even technology behind, leaving allies behind, leaving Americans behind, getting 13 Americans killed and nearly 200 civilians, and let’s not forget the false intel they were given to kill an ISIS terrorist which turned out to be just an innocent Afghan and his family, 7 of which were children. Oh, no, no, no, let’s don’t look at that, let’s look at Texas, or let’s fearmonger some more with mask and vaccine mandates, or god forbid if we forget about climate change. All misdirection, all lies, just to avoid the truth.

With these people, there is always going to be a “crisis” that they simply can’t let go to waste, especially if they’re ones that they’ve made up themselves. Then their assistants will be pointing you in the direction of the fake crisis in the left hand while the real magic, the real crisis is happening over in the right hand. Meanwhile while we’re looking over at the left hand,  our country is being literally transformed right under our noses,  because it was the other hand we should have been paying attention to.

Another great example of pointing us in the wrong direction is how they’ve used a true tragedy and crisis of 9/11, one that saw the last time we truly stood united together as Americans, to try and continue to divide us as a country:

  • The New York Times: “How Sept. 11 Gave Us Jan. 6 – “The war on terror accustomed white Americans to seeing themselves as counter-terrorists. Armed white Americans on the far right, could assemble in militias, whether in Northern states like Michigan, or on the southern border, and face little in the way of law enforcement reprisal.” (Really? That sounds more like BLM and ANTIFA than anyone on the “far right”. But you see how they are pointing at the “other hand” here? And who are these so-called far right people they speak about? They would have you believe that if you are white and believe in the Bill of Rights you’re a terrorist in the same category as Bin Laden!)
  • Insider – “MSNBC host Joy-Ann Reid, likened the U.S. Christian right to the Taliban.” (Worst part of this headline is that she actually believes this about Christians.)
  • FOX News: “Michael Moore compares Christian conservatives in U.S. to Afghanistan’s ‘religious nuts’.” (You know this is insane, yet the left is pointing to the other hand again and saying “Look at that, these terrorists are horrible.” But is happening here is that in the other hand we don’t see is holding onto Jan. 6 so they can lump anyone and everyone into one category who simply believes in conservative principles. And those conservative principles are simply called the Bill of Rights, and sadly, the left’s slight of hand is working on a lot of people.)

These people want you to believe that the biggest threat against this country is now over, that would be external threats, and instead want you to believe that our own people are now the biggest threat. Here’s a quote from a Democrat named Slotsky, now working at the Pentagon: “The post 9/11 era, where our greatest threats to national security, were external, is over.” She goes onto mention Jan. 6 and the “Proud Boys” but conveniently leaves out all of the violence, destruction, and deaths that happened by her side during the summer of 2020. Again, using the slight of hand technique. This same woman who avoids talking about terrorism coming from the left is in charge of the counter-terrorism committee at the Pentagon. How secure does that make you feel?

This is a prime example proving that the “system” is being turned against people who grew up believing in the Bill of Rights and the difference between literal “right and wrong”. If you were taught these things, truth, justice, and the American way, then you are one of many that they are starting to target and will do so on a large scale if things keep heading in the direction that they are headed right now.

We need to ask this question of ourselves “Are we in a revolution and don’t even know it?” The answer should be “Yes.” perhaps not us personally, but the left certainly is spearheading their own revolution and that’s to destroy anything and everything that was founded on what the Founding Fathers believed in.

Joe Biden & His Administration Overseeing Policy of “Chaos” While Obama Pulls the “Strings”

This policy of chaos is actually what could be seen as the controlled collapse of the United States. This is deliberate and calculated and even though the man is incompetent, they are working off of that incompetence to help expedite the demise of this nation. It is working in their favor. This administration and those who back it believe that this country is over, it’s not worth fighting for, so instead, let’s control the collapse of a nation they believe was NEVER great in the first place. (Obama himself said America was never great.) This policy of “chaos” is a policy that can be seen in how Afghanistan was handled, how the southern border is being handled and even how our economy is being handled. All of it is through “chaos” and from the seat of incompetence.

Obama in his eight years in office, he laid the groundwork for what we see developing today in the White House. He wasn’t able to finish his work, but now that 2/3 of his old cronies are back in office, Obama is realizing his dream of being able to be the puppet master behind the scenes pushing all the flashing buttons and pulling all the shiny levers.

The one thing and it’s a major thing, that Obama was able to do was manipulate the intelligence services so well that they now have basically become yet another arm of the U.S. government, even though that was never what they were meant for. He started doing this my first weaponizing the IRS and from there it has reached every branch of the intelligence apparatus. He taught his cronies how to use these different agencies politically so that they could have their very own leftist revolution that would be difficult for the Americans to see until it was too late. Over the years, beginning in 2009 with Obama, they have put a plan together (Trump was a hiccup in their plan, this is why they hate him so much) that includes much of what’s on the list below:

“Tools of Revolution”

  • Media (Most media are eating out of the palms of the governments hands)
  • Hollywood (Pretty much all of Hollywood has bought into the far leftist agenda)
  • Education (Not only are they teaching kids to hate this country, the color of their skin, sexual insanity, but they are being taught to be far leftist activists before they even know how to drive a car)
  • Unions (By the way, it’s the unions, not science that persuaded the CDC to push all the bogus mandates)
  • Money (Got plenty of that coming from; big banks, the Fed, large corporations, and of course the billionaires;  Soros, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Gates, and so on the list could go on forever, it’s an endless supply of cash flow)
  • Compliance (The one thing you would think would be the toughest one to get, the compliance of the American people. Well, lucky for the left along came the China virus. They even suckered Trump into this one by using the virus to fearmonger and to guilt people into complying to the demands of local and federal government, even stooping as low as to use our patriotism to guilt us into complying, even though we knew in our guts deep down it was ALL wrong. They saw just how far we could be pushed and it was pretty damn far and now the damage has been done. It is going to be worse than pulling teeth to try and regain the freedoms they’ve stripped us of.)
  • Government agencies (They did this through appointing those who were of the same ideologies to run all the different government agencies and once inside the bureaucracy, it’s near impossible to get rid of them. This is because we were ALL to willing to comply because they worked on our love of country and our inherent regard for others lives and they have used it all against us to take control over nearly every aspect of our lives without a huge negative response from any of us.)
  • Military
  • Local police
  • Street activists
  • Social media
  • The Net (This is more or less a trap set for conservatives by the far left and their revolutionary plan.)
  • The Event (This is basically the pandemic and…Jan. 6th both of which have been and are being used to control all of us but especially to try and control and silence conservatives.)

The military, local police, street activists, and social media are all linked together either by them using them against us or undermining their authority, such as the local police and defunding issues.

The continual undermining of police is mind numbing. Here’s a recent quote from the oh so underprivileged, abused and down trodden Michell Obama regarding police when interviewed on CBS: “Many of us still live in fear, as we go to the grocery store, or walking our dogs, or allowing our children to get a license. Just imagine. Every time they get in a car by themselves, I worry about what assumption is being made by somebody who doesn’t know everything about them.” Are you serious? These uber rich folk are worried about some cop treating them different because of the color of their skin. In the first place, this entire family have Secret Service around them 24/7 for the rest of their lives and they want you to believe they have to worry about being treated unfairly by cops. They have a million times more protection that we do, this kind of statement is insane. But they want you to believe cops are bad, period and you don’t need them. (somehow though, they do) The Obamas and other elites like them are all sitting at home in their million dollar estates pulling all the levers and whistles of their revolution at what is and will be the expense of the rest of us and enjoying every single moment of it.

These people want us to hate and fear the police in order for us to rely more and more on their their solutions and they’ve got a great solution for you, it’s “the Net” their little trap that’s waiting for all of us.

Campaign of Fear

The “fear campaign” is working just as they intended it to work. Look at this headline from NPR: “Cops Say Low Morale and Department Scrutiny Are Driving Them Away From the Job”. So, with cops leaving the job and not many recruits signing up for the job, what will this end up causing? Well, more chaos which is right in line with Biden’s policy of chaos. This type of constant chaos is going to make people begin to demand that somebody do something, anything about what’s going on. That’s what they want a desperate cry from the people and they’ll come riding in on their white horse to save the day. Here’s another headline most want to ignore, surprising it’s from CNN“The US saw significant crime rise across major cities across the country in 2020. And it’s not letting up.”  Funny thing about this headline is that it’s only happening in those cities where police have been defunded, dismantled, or restricted on what they’re allowed to do. Getting rid of police, diminishing their abilities to perform, demoralizing them and so on are all part of this leftist revolution that is dismantling the entire country.

They cause fear by weakening the police, by brainwashing people into believing that COVID is going to kill us all, telling people over and over again that it’s “whitey” or conservatives and/or conservative Christians that everyone MUST fear! Using fear as a motivator is one of the oldest tricks in the book to use on people, every dictator or totalitarian leader since the beginning of time have always used fear as their number one way to control the masses.

When we look at their fear agenda, they don’t want to talk about the dangers growing day after day on our southern border. They don’t want to talk about the fact that what has been done in Afghanistan is opening up the entire Middle East again to constant war and terrorism and it won’t stop there, it will spread through Europe and is probably already here in the U.S., but they definitely don’t want to talk about that. However, they sure as hell DO want to talk about Jan. 6th and the fear it has caused and the fear yet to come from the full effect of their dreamed up insurrection! The “real” news is trying to get out there, but they don’t want to talk about that, look at this headline from U.S. News“Exclusive – FBI Finds Scant Evidence U.S. Capitol Attack Was Coordinated – Sources” When this story broke, the left, including Congress and the White House dumped the story and basically buried it. Then when it comes to the “mostly peaceful” riots as they called them of 2020 were exposed as being violent and that 90% of those that instigated the riots were by people from other states. yet the left, Congress, and the White House also bury this truth. It was also discovered, in this same police investigation, that 29% of all the rioters were also being paid to be at these riots, but again, buried. In this same police investigation they reported back to our government this tidbit of information and I quote “These events had thousands of people in attendance including groups with suspected violent extremist ideologies. ‘Prepared and coordinated resistance’ was reported from some police agencies and similar tactics such as the use of arson, looting, barricades, caravans, and specific types of weapons were seen in major cities nationwide. Protestors seemed to coordinate their movements and actions on these days as if the violence and tactics were pre-planned.” This is a report on 2020 rioters as compared to what they discovered about Jan. 6th which was NOTHING, yet they want you to ignore 2020 and believe that Jan. 6th was the real threat by real terrorists! They bury the truth and they peddle false fearmongering. They also have conveniently hidden the fact that nearly 80% of ALL the riots and protests have been planned by or disrupted by those on the left, NOT the right and they keep trying to push on the American people, by continually pushing the Jan. 6th false narrative.

With all the evidence of what the left has been doing, no one, not one person can get a single Congressional hearing on any of that, but it took just a few minutes for them to march out and demand a full on hearing and commission on Jan. 6th, and the incarceration of over 400 people held with no bail, no charges, no private conversations with representation, no personal hygiene products, and so on, while those responsible on the left are ALL running free in the streets. But oh no, don’t look there, using their “slight of hand” technique they have you looking at the totally opposite hand instead!

Jan. 6th Chaos vs BLM/ANTIFA Chaos

This administration would have you believe that those being held responsible for the Jan. 6th fearmongering BS were well armed. Funny though how the most dangerous things found on any individuals might have been some pepper spray and let’s not forget all those terrifying American Flags and Trump flags. But they expect you to not see or hear about this list of weapons:

  1. Rocks
  2. Frozen water bottles
  3. Canned veggies, fruits, and assorted soups
  4. Bricks
  5. Homemade incendiary devices which included Molotov cocktails
  6. Powerful laser pointers intended to blind police
  7. Glass bottles
  8. Fireworks meant to explode
  9. Paint to try and blind police with
  10. Acid
  11. Knives
  12. Batons
  13. Baseball bats
  14. Firearms

All of which were found on those protesting with and for BLM and ANTIFA, not on the rioters on Jan. 6th. But wait, isn’t Jan. 6th supposed to be the insurrection? Well, that’s what this administration keeps telling us. However, no matter what they say about it, according to Rasmussen Reports: “2/3 of Americans Want the 2020 Riots Investigate Not Jan. 6th” As you can see, what we want is not what we’re getting from the left and it never will be.

They Are Using Jan. 6th to Dismantle the Constitution and Our Rights

If you think that this commission on Jan. 6th is fair, you’d be watching that cheesy nightclub magician again. The commission by the way only has two republicans on it because Pelosi rejected the six that Kevin McCarthy wanted. Those two token Republicans by the way voted to impeach Donald Trump. So, think the commission has been looking for the truth, or is it’s purpose to hide what really happened on that day?

One of the first ridiculous lies that came up was when one of the D.C. police said this insane statement while under oath: “There was an attack on Jan. 6th and a hit man sent them,” he said “I want you to get to the bottom of that.” What? So who is that hit man? Well, he is referring to Donald Trump. Talk about insanity and fearmongering. That’s a pretty big accusation especially after Blaze Media wrote this: “FBI has no evidence Jan. 6 riot was organized, coordinated, or otherwise planned by Trump or others.”

One more thing that must be noted here is that 99.9% of the 14,000 hours of Capitol Hill video has been kept out of the hands of reporters and investigators and all you ever see are short clips of violence. A couple of independent videos were released showing not only police willing to let people in if they were peaceful but also taking photos with them as well as actually opening doors for many of them. Is there more footage of that which would disprove their fearmongering narrative that it was an armed insurrection? The answer to that is more than likely “Yes.”

Combining COVID, Jan. 6th and climate change together in a nice little fear cocktail, it is their hope that we’ll forget about what’s really happening and they’ll be able to continue dismantling this country and our Constitution while we are being fooled by their cheap slight of hand treachery.


“Silence in the face of evil IS evil. Not to speak IS to speak, and not standing IS standing, and God will NOT hold us blameless!”











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