So, Mean Tweets Bothered You All?

Those mean tweets bothered all of you out there so bad that you settled for this? You going to tell me it doesn’t make you cringe watching that fool up there who looks like he’s got a broom stick stuck up his rear end and stands there in 30 seconds of silence while clenching his fists? That doesn’t bother you? Well how about all of this?

Anti-Energy Independence

On the so-called campaign he had, he swore to people that he wouldn’t touch fracking nor would he shut down the pipeline. Yet on day one, just minutes after he was sworn in, he not only shut down the pipeline that helped propel us to energy independence (costing nearly 50,000 lost jobs), yet he went ahead and approved the Nordstream II Russian pipeline.  He also outlawed any fracking on public land. Which by the way, that’s where 90% of the fracking is done. But you were worried more about “mean Tweets”!


He immediately got rid of all of the Trump border regulations that had begun to work and our borders were seeing the lowest illegal crossings in decades and despite the Supreme Court saying that it was unconstitutional for him to not abide by the “Remain in Mexico” law, he went ahead and broke that agreement with Mexico. Because of this disregard for the law, since the end of January, nearly two million illegals have crossed the border and most of them are anywhere and everywhere in the U.S., none of which have been tested for COVID nor have been vaccinated. But our own citizens can’t even get back into their own country if they aren’t vaccinated or at least tested for it. Let’s not forget about the millions of dollars of wall materials sitting on the border gathering dust all the while Biden is paying them $6 million a day not to build the wall, while at the same time the taxpayers are paying $450,000 for a fence to be built around his home in Delaware! And that doesn’t bother you? No of course not because you were too worried about those “mean Tweets”!


You voted in a man who believes in abortion all the way through to birth. And that doesn’t bother you? No, of course not, you were too worried about those damn “mean Tweets”!


It doesn’t bother you that we have a president that says the crimes against humanity being committed in China against Uyghurs being thrown into work camps against their will, along with indiscriminate slaughter of innocent Christians there is just a “cultural difference”. That doesn’t bother you but you sure as hell were outraged by those “mean Tweets”!


It also doesn’t seem to bother any of you that this president has done nothing but continue to make the divide in this country deeper and wider each time he opens his mouth.

This is an administration that now calls patriotism extremism better yet, have put up warnings that say this: “POTENTIALLY HARMFUL CONTENT!  NARA acknowledges that historical records may contain harmful language that reflects attitudes and biases of their time. NARA does not alter, edit, or modify original records or original captions, as they are part of the historical record. NARA is working to address harmful language that may appear in staff-generated descriptions.” This is the warning you will get before you access our own founding documents!

Everything that has been his failure so far has at every turn been blamed on someone else and it’s usually white supremacists, Trump supporters, people who go against mask and vax mandates, and now of course parents. This is the guy who started right off the bat stated that the biggest problem we face in this country today is white supremacy, the very same guy who said he didn’t want his kids growing up in a “racial jungle”! But that doesn’t bother you because those damn “mean Tweets” were far more damaging!

Again Pro-China

It doesn’t bother you that we have such a weak government that they allow a Chinese ambassador to insult the country in our own country when they told Anthony Blinken this “You have no right to tell us what to do because you no longer come from a place of strength.”  And we didn’t respond back! That doesn’t bother you at all because you still cling onto how mean those “mean Tweets” were!

Economically Ignorant

When it comes to the economy it doesn’t bother you that this administration says that “Inflation is a high class thing.”?  They want you to believe that this inflation is no big deal when in reality, it’s the highest inflation rate since 1991! Just another typical lie coming from the White House on a daily basis, wanting us to believe that inflation only affects the rich, when in reality, they don’t feel it, but you must see it, unless of course you’re lying to yourself.

Do you actually support a government who thinks printing more money is the answer to all of our problems, money that has nothing to back it?  Oh, wait, that’s right, those “mean Tweets” are still haunting you! (Not seeing the impact? Well, just back in Jan. of this year I was only paying $1.87 gal for gas and now it’s about $4.00 gal. And last year, I spent a little under $14.00 for a large ham and the other day, the same size ham cost me almost $27.00. Or, three pounds of hamburger costs me under $7.00 and today the same hamburger costs me $15.00! But it’s only a “high class” problem. Nice to see my “fixed income” has put me in the “high class” cause I’m sure feeling it!)

Biden Enables China to Do Anything They Want While He Wonders Where He Is

Since Biden has been office, he’s done everything he can to spend most of his time outside of eating pudding, watching Matlock and going to bed by 7pm each night, putting down every single American that refuses to fall in line with his party line. This administration spends more time worrying about hunting down all those terrorist such as Trump voters/supporters, small business owners, real journalists, police, military, even parents if they speak out against his totalitarian regime, while he totally ignores the real threat: China. While he’s been chasing down the “boogeyman” in this country, the real boogeyman is running wild doing all kinds of fun things:

  • China launched a major effort to ramp up coal production and stabilize coal prices ahead of an anticipated surge in electric power demand this winter. (This is the cheap dirty coal as compared to the cleaner coal production in U.S. that Biden is shutting down here and he remains silent about China.)
  • China openly mocks Biden after he claims U.S. will defend Taiwan, with no rebuttal from the White House, since they claim they didn’t even agree with Biden. (No wonder after the Afghan humiliation!)
  • China bans NBA games after Kanter puts out Anti-Xi  Zinping video. (Silence from buddy Beijing Biden.)
  • China and Cuba sign what they call a “Belt and Road” Energy Pact.
  • China threatens Taiwan with numerous flyovers in Taiwan’s territory. (While Beijing Biden simply gives a “Shame on you.” warning. Yawn.)
  • China achieves destruction of democracy in Hong Kong, now they are quietly tightening their grip on Macau and plan to strip them of democracy there. (While Beijing Biden takes his nappy.)
  • The navies of both China and Russia dispatched a joint group of 10 vessels to sail through Japan’s Tsugaru Strait. (Zzzzzzz – Biden.)
  • China conducts successful hypersonic missile which shows that China wants to be able to threaten the U.S. with “nuclear annihilation.” And China wants “to be able to strike and hold at risk all of the continental United States. (While Beijing Biden eats his ice cream and “Dr. Jill” tells him he’s the most popular president in history.)
  • Chinas Apple store has just recently banned ALL Bible and Quran apps. U.S. next? (And the so-called Catholic POTUS remains silent!)

That’s just some of the fun stuff China has been enjoying since Beijing Biden took power and none of that bothers you? Nope, guess not, you’re still hanging onto all those “mean Tweets”.

No Love for First Responders & Anti-Freedom

As long as our first responders do what this corrupt government wants, they are the heroes, but the minute they say “Stop! Wait a minute. These mandates are unlawful/unconstitutional!”  and refuse to enforce or even follow them themselves, they suddenly become “public enemy #1”. Don’t believe me, here’s what your “beloved” POTUS said just this past week:

Anchor Anderson Cooper said, “Mr. President, let me ask you a follow-up about that. As many as one in three emergency responders in some cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, right here in Baltimore, are refusing to comply with city vaccine mandates. I’m wondering where you stand on that. Should police officers, emergency responders be mandated to get vaccines? And if not, should they be stay at home or let go?” Biden said, “Yes and yes. By the way, by the way, I waited until July to talk about mandating because I tried everything else possible. The mandates are working. All this stuff about people leaving and people getting it, you have everyone from United Airlines to Spirit, all these airlines all 96, 97% of the people have gotten the vaccine. All the talk about all these folks who are going to leave the military if they’re mandated. Not true. You got about a 90 some percent vaccination rate.” He added, “Two things that concern me, one are those who just try to make this a political issue. Freedom. I have the freedom to kill you with my COVID. No, come on, freedom?

So, it doesn’t bother you that we have a president who shows no respect for true American heroes who get up every morning and don’t know if they’ll be returning that night, but do it anyway and would rather see them be kicked to the curb because they refuse to kowtow to his totalitarian rule? And does it not bother you that we have a president who literally scoffs at freedom? Something this country was founded on? Oh, of course not because you are still so traumatized by all those “mean Tweets”!

Supply Chain Crisis

Oh, it’s not a crisis, you know that right? And even if it does exist, according to your lovely Biden administration it’s sure as hell not their fault. Didn’t you know that it’s all those un-vaccinated folks out there? That’s right, it’s all their fault that we  are starting to see empty shelves and skyrocketing prices! Couldn’t possibly have anything to do with all the draconian COVID mandates now could it? Oh, no of course not. Did you know many stores are already out of turkeys? So if you plan on turkey for Thanksgiving, you might want to pick up one of those guns you hate so much and go out and hunt down your own damn turkey, you’d probably have a better shot (pun intended) at getting a turkey than your local grocery store! And when people cry out against this ongoing crisis, they are told to stop whining about it by the White House and that we should just “lower our expectations”! But of course that doesn’t bother you because you’re still paying that shrink of yours because of how traumatized you’ve been by all those “mean Tweets”!

“We Won’t Leave Our People Behind”

“We won’t leave our people behind.” is a quote, that if written about honestly, will go down in history as one of the most atrocious lies by any sitting president in American history! I’m referring to what’s known as the Afghan withdrawal. The biggest and most shameful thing that this country has ever done and it makes the withdrawal from Viet Nam look like a cake walk. I know, I was a young adult when that happened and it was a two week withdrawal process that was far more successful than they want you to believe. All they want you to see there was the final day in Viet Nam and ignore the two weeks prior. But I digress, what happened in Afghanistan should have EVERY American hanging their heads or at least shaking them in disgust!

Let’s take a quick stroll back down memory lane for those of you who still cling onto the thought you did the right thing voting for Brain Dead Biden!

STEPHANOPOULOS: Are you committed to making sure that the troops stay until every American who wants to be out is out?

BIDEN: Yes. … if there’s American citizens left, we’re going to stay until we get them all out.

“President Joe Biden vowed Afghans who helped the U.S. military “are not going to be left behind” as his administration stepped up planning to evacuate thousands of Afghan interpreters while their applications for U.S. entry are processed…“They’re going to come,” Biden said in an exchange with reporters after an event to highlight a bipartisan agreement reached on infrastructure legislation. “We’ve already begun the process. Those who helped us are not going to be left behind.

President Joe Biden pledged firmly to bring all Americans home from Afghanistanand all Afghans who aided the war effort, too…“We’re making the same commitment” to Afghan wartime helpers as to U.S. citizens, Biden said, offering the prospect of assistance to Afghans who largely have been fighting individual battles to get the documents and passage into the airport that they need to leave. He called the Afghan allies “equally important” in the evacuations.

Then once those who had the cajones to accuse the administration of lying and truly stranding Americans in enemy territory,  this administration that you voted in attacked people for pointing out the truth:

Jen Psaki upbraided Fox’s Peter Doocy for calling these people “stranded.” And another administration spokesman is himself using that word while trying to downplay the abandonment:

Pentagon Spokesman, today: “We have Americans that get stranded in countries all the time”

Jen Psaki, August 23: “I think it’s irresponsible to say Americans are stranded. They are not.” (Really? What the hell do you call it then?)

Pentagon Spokesman John Kirby admits Biden’s withdrawal was a failure.

“We certainly would have liked and preferred to get more people out, if we could. But the time just wasn’t there.” (You had all the way from Jan. 2021 to get everyone out! But you waited till Aug. 30th!)

This vow they made was clearly one that they flagrantly broke. On top of that they casually noted that there may have been several hundred left behind. However, many sources on the ground, trying to rescue people, claim the number was far closer to 15,000 Americans and untold allies! But your Uncle Joe would want you to believe that only 6,000 Americans even wanted to come home and they got them home. First off, what American in their right mind would willingly stay behind? And second, why have we not heard from even one of those supposedly 6,000 they rescued? Why hasn’t even one of them stepped forward to thank the U.S. for bringing them home? Because it’s a bold faced lie, that’s why! But however, they did bring in 100,000 totally unvetted Afghans. Not one single Afghan in that group ever served or aided any Americans, not ONE! In fact on numerous occasions since they’ve been here groups of them have been arrested for having terrorist ties, some have already committed crimes and the latest was one male Afghan was arrested for kidnapping, raping and attempted murder of an American woman.

Instead of admitting the truth we see things as horrendous as this:

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan says Biden showed “leadership” by abandoning Americans.

He claims leaving was “in the best interest” of those abandoned. Imagine being one of those Americans, or one of those US interpreters who now faces death at the hands of terrorists.  Imagine hearing a smug presidential aide explain to the world that the abject betrayal and violated promise that has placed your family’s lives in grave danger was really about your “best interests.”

Sullivan went on to say that leaving people behind was unanimously endorsed by the president’s entire national security team — and just in case anyone had missed his meaning, he states again that “the best way to help [the stranded] was to transition this mission,” by which he means leaving them behind.

These people want you to believe that your beloved puppet is just an innocent bystander in all of this Afghan chaos in which he had no control over. BS! Biden and his team have presided over all it, making every decision that precipitated this disaster.  This is their policy and their execution, full stop.

Reports from the ground say much different things:

  • “Last night, dozens and dozens of U.S. citizens went to the airport…The gates never opened. Those U.S. citizens were left hanging this morning, circling the gates”
  • CNN’s Clarissa Ward reports on a Texas family abandoned in Afghanistan.
    “They had been going to the airport for two weeks trying desperately to get out. They all have American passports…They couldn’t get past the Taliban.”
  • “Thousands of Americans remain in Afghanistan that want to leave,”
  • “This ‘hundreds left’ is political math. We shouldn’t leave 1 behind, but lying about the numbers abandons hope for thousands of Americans trying to get out.”

Americans that the administration’s dubious ‘stranded’ math excludes:

  • U.S. State Department to Green Card Holders Still in Afghanistan: ‘Keep a Low Profile’ And there are estimated to be 1,000’s of green card Americans along with 1,000’s of other Americans!

To add insult to injury, the State Department led by Tony Blinken literally have tried their best to intervene and stop the efforts of charitable organizations such as Mercury One, Nazarene Fund, No One Left Behind, Pineapple Express, All Things Possible, and many more all verified that they were harassed by the State Department, countries willing to take refugees were threatened, even three planes filled with Americans and Allies were ordered by the State Department to get off the planes and hand over their paperwork to the Taliban and wait for further notice. On top of that, this same State Department then handed the manifests from the planes to the Taliban. Basically, handing them a “Kill List”!

Thirteen Heroes Gone in the Blink of an Eye

But the worst atrocity  of it all; are the 13 heroes that lost their lives for trying to save lives and your illustrious puppet didn’t even have the decency to even pretend that he gave a damn as he stood there checking his watch every time one of those heroes coffins were brought off the transport planes! Thirteen separate times he checked his watch! And he wonders why none of those families wanted to talk to him! I would have loved to have talked to him so I could have personally told him to “Go to hell!”

Does any of this bother you? Are you still so delusional holding onto “mean Tweets” that not even this will open your eyes to the truth? That EVERYTHING that is happening to this country is all because you decided to vote for a decrepit puppet whose strings are being controlled by Marxist totalitarians. You voted for this and you have the same blood on your hands as the man pretending to be president!

Mean Tweets – Warts and All

I, personally, wish we still had the “mean Tweets” coming, and coming strong because when we had the “mean Tweets” China wasn’t threatening Taiwan, joining forces with Russia, Cuba, and Iran, overtaking our military in technology. “Little Rocketman” was quiet, now he’s back testing missiles, our allies still were on our side, our enemies towed the line and kept their mouths shut, we were energy independent, our border was secure, no one was calling conservatives and better yet, parents, “domestic terrorists”! We still had freedom of speech, the right to protect our own children, and freedom of choice and so on.

But, if you like being the laughing stock of the world and don’t mind giving up your God given rights, then you can have that POS you call a president.

As for me, I’ll take “mean Tweets” any day over this crap!



“Silence in the face of evil IS evil. Not to speak IS to speak, and not standing IS standing, and God will NOT hold us blameless!”







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