America Can Be Saved – Through Humility

Today, for most Christians is a solemn yet glorious day at the same time. Probably you would think would not be a good day to bring up politics. However, if you look at it closely, it’s a perfect day to bring up a little politics, especially in this country today as it stands.

Today is the prime example of what true selflessness and pure humility really is. Jesus Christ is THE example of what it means to be humble and selfless. In fact, His entire life was the prime of example of selflessness and humility. His very first act of humility was leaving His place in heaven, where He had it made and He traded that in to be born into poverty. From that moment on, everything that Jesus did was done in servitude to others and always in humility.

Everything that Jesus did, He did in the hope that we would all learn from it so that our lives would be changed and so that we could live our lives to the fullest and the only way to achieve that was and is to follow in His footsteps. We are also taught that when people don’t do this, it eventually only ends in disaster. You don’t have to look any further than our own country to see the results of for too long refusing to follow His advice and His ways. Americas is coming to the end of the line.

Why is America coming to the end of the line? Mainly because the people have for far too long now have stopped relying on God. As a whole we’ve continued to rebel against Him wanting to do everything our own way and just pushing Him out of the way believing the the self means more than anything else. Another reason for this is that for far too long, far too many believers have been overly tolerant of things that are against God. Just because Jesus taught tolerance, He didn’t intend for that tolerance to all for things that His Father in heaven hates. Yes, God hates. He doesn’t hate His creations but He does hate many of the actions that they take. Where we’ve gone wrong, we’ve thought that being tolerant means that we have to not only tolerate the person but also their actions/sins. This is why, all the things that God hates and considers sins are now today not seen as sins and anyone who dares to calls them out for what these things are, are now considered the “sinner” so because of our over tolerance of sin those who are moral are now considered “immoral” and those who are truly immoral are now considered “moral”.

Jesus Christ did not humble Himself  to the humiliating death on a cross, on this day in history, for the world to end up where it is today! Where everything that was black is now white, evil is now good, good is evil, up is down, down is up and so on. He did not die the most horrendous death in the world to see His children succumb to all the evil that He preached against! And He didn’t die for our sins so that we could just endlessly sin and think “It’s ok, I’m forgiven by His death on the cross.” No, no, no, no. That’s not the sole reason why He did it! Sure that’s one of the reasons, but it was also again a lesson and  a very severe lesson in ultimate humility. Thinking that because He died on the cross for our sins instantly forgives our sins is only going to get your soul in a lot of eternal trouble. Because you’re missing the whole point. True He did die for our sins, keyword – “for” our sins, but to be forgiven we must admit our sins and then with all the humility you can muster, beg for redemption and His forgiveness. That’s how the cross works. And that’s the only way that America is going to be saved from its ultimate demise.

The people of this country must be willing to humble themselves again in the face of God. They must get back to the simple morals they once had and they must once again hold God in the highest esteem possible. As a people we must admit to our sins as a nation, if need be, make a list of ALL the sins we have committed as a nation against God, then in all humility  beg Him for His forgiveness, while we promise to try our best to not repeat those same offenses. Then and only then is America going to be saved from the trash heap. That humility and that admission of sins starts with each individual. It starts with me, you, everyone who believes, it’s up to us to save this country. The choice is ours Jesus or Satan. There’s no in-between.

“So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.” (Revelation 3:16)

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